Towards Peace  

Towards Peace Spiritual Support Service

Towards Peace is a service offering spiritual support for anybody who has been abused, physically emotionally, sexually, spiritually, in a religious/church environment.

Towards Peace was established in October 2014 by the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference and is now co-funded by the IEC and AMRI (the Association of Leaders of Missionary & Religious of Ireland.)

It is a pathway, a safe space where people who have been hurt can connect with their own spirituality, their sense of God and their own journey Towards Peace. The service is free and is also available to the families of those who have been affected.

Towards Peace understands spirituality as a way of being in, and relating to the world, connected to God and to ones deepest self. Through one to one meetings with a trained and qualified spiritual companion, Towards Peace offers safe spaces for people to attend to their own spiritual life.

Towards Peace continues to operate during the current restrictions as a result of the Covid-19 crisis. While, face to face meetings are on hold for the moment, should you wish to access the Service via telephone or SKYPE, or just seek further information, please do not hesitate to contact the office on 086 7710533.

Office hours are Monday and Tuesday 9am- 4pm Wednesday 9am – 12noon.

Towards Peace Facebook Page
Towards Peace has recently launched a new Facebook Page which can be accessed on the following link

The Facebook Page is sharing reflective pause for thought materials each day as well as keeping people up to date about this service.