Statement from Bishop McGuckian  

Statement from Bishop Alan McGuckian, SJ

You may have been made aware on the media that Eamonn Crossan a former priest of our Diocese, was sentenced to two years imprisonment for the sexual abuse of a young boy in 1985.  He was a priest in the diocese from 1976 and was removed from ministry immediately on reception of the complaint in 1998. The Gardai and HSE/ Tulsa were informed.

I have made a public statement expressing my deep sadness that an innocent child had to endure this devastating abuse. It is all the more serious that it involved abuse by someone in a position of sacred trust and power. I apologized sincerely to the man who suffered and to his family.  I fully accept that no apology can undo the harm inflicted on an innocent child.

At this time, I also feel for the people of the diocese and particularly those parishes in which Eamon Crossan served. I know that you will feel a sense of betrayal at this abuse of a sacred trust and position by a priest. I am deeply sorry for the renewed hurt that has been caused.

If anyone else has a concern or complaint, either now or from the past, I encourage them to come forward and contact both the diocese and the statutory authorities.

The Church must continue to ensure that such crimes never happen again and that victims feel their voices are heard and that they are supported.

The Day of Prayer for all victims and survivors of abuse takes place on Friday, 19th February. Please join with me and with priests and people all over Ireland in praying for all those who have suffered abuse in the Church and outside of it.