Special Collection for Ukraine  

At their Spring General Meeting, which concluded in Maynooth on Wednesday 9 March, Bishops praised the charitable efforts of people across the country and asked that a special collection be taken up in parishes on Sunday 27 March.

Bishops said, “Already millions of people have been forced to flee their homes as refugees.  It is a source of inspiration that people all over Ireland are responding with customary generosity to support humanitarian efforts in this crisis.  Many parish communities have already established links with charitable projects to support refugees and those remaining in Ukraine. Recognising these urgent needs, the bishops are asking that a special collection be taken up at all Masses on the weekend of Sunday 27 March.

“People are also invited to support the charitable initiatives of Aid to the Church in Need, the Jesuit Refugee Service, and Trócaire.  Trócaire is currently responding to the crisis through its partners Caritas Ukraine and Caritas Poland which have a strong presence in the region and can use resources strategically to the greatest effect.”