Me… A Priest in the Diocese of Raphoe?

This may be the very time in your life when you are thinking of what you want to do or what you want to be, or what path is best for you to follow in your life right now. So reading this little pamphlet may be of great help to you.

Decision time!

Some people are very sure at quite a young age what they want to do or what they want to be. Others change jobs and switch direction in their lives at various intervals, especially in their 20’s or 30’s. Remember every day will bring its challenges. How you deal with these challenges will shape your life.

Why not begin today and prepare yourself for what lies ahead by talking things over with the Lord. Prayer should be the starting point of any action or decision in your life.

Message from Bishop Alan McGuckian, SJ

Every one of us is being called all of the time. It is an awesome mystery. Our lives are a conversation with God. This is so central to who we are that you could say not just that we are ‘in a conversation’ with God all of the time, but, that we ‘ARE a conversation with God’.

The first step in thinking about a vocation is to tune into that conversation. God is communicating with me at the very centre of who I am. One great theologian said that God is ‘closer to me than I am to myself’.

The second step is to realise that this mysterious God who knows me so intimately has a plan for me and for my life. God wants me to grow in His love and if I let him He will lead me in specific ways.

Jesus, the Son of God, is calling some men to be priests. Do you think that might be you? If it is even a possibility pray about it. If you are drawn to think more seriously about it, talk to someone. We in the diocese would be very happy to help your discernment.

+Alan McGuckian SJ

Bishop of Raphoe

Opportunity to Make a Difference

People want happiness, fulfilment, a sense of achievement and an opportunity to make a difference in whatever direction they choose to travel in life. Some find this fulfilment, as a nurse, teacher, doctor, housewife, carpenter, shopkeeper, farmer, social worker, bus driver or other such occupations.

However some of the most worthwhile, powerful, challenging and meaningful of all vocations are those of the priesthood, religious, consecrated or missionary life.

Have an open mind

So when you pose the question to yourself “what will I do”?, have an open mind. Committing yourself to the Lord’s service, you leave behind a lot in this world, but with the Lord you stand to gain everything.

“Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God” Psalm 143

Respond in prayer

If you hear the call in your heart do not shut it out. Respond to it in prayer, especially prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Let the call in your heart develop into a vocation, a vocation for Christ.

“I will not reject anyone who comes to Me”

Jn 6:37


Fr. Rory Brady, PP

Parochial House, Bruckless, Co. Donegal. Telephone: 074 9737015 Email: 

Please feel free to contact Fr Brady, should you have any questions or queries. He would be delighted to hear from you. Alternatively, contact your local priest.

Vocation Links & Resources


Follow Raphoe Vocations on Facebook


Invocation is a vocations gathering for young people in Birmingham in June organised by the vocations directors of the dioceses of England and Wales:

A blog from the Vocations Director of the Presentation Brothers:

A blog from the Vocations Director of the Irish Dominicans:

National Vocations Office: 

Alter Christus Video’s

The Priest is called to be an “Alter Christus” (another Christ).

Congregation of the Clergy (Part 1)

Alter Christus – English Version – Part 2

Alter Christus – English Version – Part 3

More Videos

Young man leaving soccer for the Priesthood

Spanish cloistered nuns see surge in vocations

Investiture of a Contemplative Dominican Nun Vocation Video

In the video The Total Giving of Yourself to Christ Pope John Paul II speaks to seminarians about serving Christ and his Church in the Priesthood. Given at St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth, during the Holy Father’s Apostolic Visit to Ireland, 29th September – 1 October 1979.


Prayer for Discernment

dionewsMy God, I know You love me and that You have great plans for me. But sometimes I am overwhelmed by the thought of my future. Show me how to walk forward one day at a time. May I take heart while I search openly, learn about all the choices, listen to others for advice, pray and pay attention to the attraction you place in my heart. By doing these things may I hear Your call to a lifestyle and a career that will let me love as I only can, and let me serve others with the special gifts that you have given me. Amen. Jesus, I place all my trust in You!

Prayer of Pope Benedict XVI

Grant, O Father, that the Church may welcome with joy numerous inspirations of the Spirit of your Son and, docile to His teachings, may she care for vocations to the ministerial priesthood and to the consecrated life. Sustain the Bishops, priests and deacons, consecrated men and women, and all the baptised in Christ, so that they may faithfully fulfil their mission at the service of the Gospel. Through Christ Our Lord, AMEN.