Letterkenny (Conwal & Leck)
Parish Priest
Ard Choluim,Letterkenny,
Co Donegal
F92 CF88
Sunday | |||||
Vigil: 6pm 8am, 10am, 12noon & 6pm | |||||
Saturday | |||||
10am | |||||
Monday | |||||
8am,10am & 7pm (July - September) 8am, 10am | |||||
Tuesday | |||||
8am,10am & 7pm (July - September) 8am, 10am | |||||
Wednesday | |||||
8am,10am & 7pm (July - September) 8am, 10am | |||||
Thursday | |||||
8am,10am & 7pm (July - September) 8am, 10am | |||||
Friday | |||||
8am,10am & 7pm (July - September) 8am, 10am & 7pm | |||||
Holy Day | |||||
7pm Vigil except on a Sunday 8am, 10am, 12noon & 7pm | |||||
Mass in Irish: Every First Sunday of the Month at 10 am Family Mass: Every Second Sunday of the Month at 10 am Mass Times and their variations will be published each week in the Newsletter as normal |
Sunday | |||||
Vigil: 6pm 8am, 10am, 12noon & 6pm | |||||
Saturday | |||||
10am | |||||
Monday | |||||
8am,10am & 7pm (July - September) 8am, 10am | |||||
Tuesday | |||||
8am,10am & 7pm (July - September) 8am, 10am | |||||
Wednesday | |||||
8am,10am & 7pm (July - September) 8am, 10am | |||||
Thursday | |||||
8am,10am & 7pm (July - September) 8am, 10am | |||||
Friday | |||||
8am,10am & 7pm (July - September) 8am, 10am & 7pm | |||||
Holy Day | |||||
7pm Vigil except on a Sunday 8am, 10am, 12noon & 7pm | |||||
Mass in Irish: Every First Sunday of the Month at 10 am Family Mass: Every Second Sunday of the Month at 10 am Mass Times and their variations will be published each week in the Newsletter as normal |
16 June 1901; 1985
- Other Details
Baptisms are held in the Cathedral on a Saturday at 5pm or on a Sunday at 1.30pm. Please give a fortnight’s notice
Mass in Irish: 10.am every First Sunday of the month
Devotions: May and October Sunday evening 7pm
Confessions: Mondays 8pm; Thursday before First Friday 12pm – 1pm and 8pm; Saturdays: 12pm – 1pm and after Vigil Mass
St Pius X Adoration Chapel: open from 1pm on Sunday through until 8.30pm on Friday. (The Adoration Chapel opens at 2pm on the First Sunday of the Month
Cathedral Choir: Director/Organist – Fr Michael Carney
Irish Choir: Anne Nicholls
Sunday Evening Choir: Patrick Doherty
Children’s Choir: Ms Toni Harvey
Baptismal Preparation: June – September 6.45pm; October – May 8pm in the Parochial House
Divine Mercy Devotions take place in the Cathedral Crib Room every Tuesday at 8pm
Charismatic Prayer Group meeting on Thursday evenings at 8pm in the Cathedral Conference Room
Grandparents Rosary & Benediction in St Eunan’s Cathedral every First Friday at 8pm. (Excluding – June, July, August and September)
Fatima Prayers are prayed after the 10am Mass on the first Saturday of the month
Every Tuesday, Our Lady of Knock Presidium meets in the Parochial House at 7pm. New members welcome
Youth 2000 Prayer Group meet in the Cathedral every Wednesday Evening at 8pm
Mother’s Prayer Group Meeting is held in the Cathedral Conference Room every Wednesday at 7pm
Holy Face Devotions: Tuesday evenings at 6.30pm in the Crib Room of the Cathedral
AA Meeting for Woman: Fridays at 1pm in the Cathedral Conference Room
Live Streaming is available from the Cathedral on www.churchservices.tv/Letterkenny or on the parish website www.steunanscathedral.ie
- Organisations
Safeguarding Committee: Maria Harvey (Chairperson)Altar Society Mrs Maureen Brogan. 074 912 1429
Collectors Tony Duffy. 074 912 6294
SVDP ‘Vincent’s’, 37, Lower Main Street. Thursday 7.30pm – 9pm Tel: 074 912 9503
Legion of Mary Every Tuesday, Our Lady of Lourdes Presidium meets in the Cathedral Conference Room after the 10am Mass. New members welcome
Every Tuesday, Our Lady of Knock Presidium meets in Room 112, Loreto Secondary School at 7pm. New members welcome
PTAA Michael Keane, 1, Meadowbank Park, Letterkenny. Tel: 087 677 4618 Enrolment on first Sundays in the Cathedral Sacristy after all Masses
St Joseph’s Young Priests Society Contact: Stephen McDaid, McNeely Villas, Letterkenny 074 912 4045
Raphoe Diocesan Pastoral Centre Monastery Ave 074 912 1853
Radio Broadcast from the Cathedral if you have a receiver you can listen to all the Masses and liturgies in your own home. Please contact the Parochial House for more detailsRecords & Statistics
Catholic Population: c10,000; c1,653 families
Baptismal records, 1867
Confirmation records, 1913
Marriage records, 1867
Death Register, 1912.Cemeteries
Conwal (1795)
New Leck (1978)
Old Leck (1797)
- General Hospital
Tel: 074 912 5888
Rev Shane Gallagher, Hospital Chaplain: 1 Chaplain’s House, Knocknamona, Letterkenny, Co Donegal.
Rev Martin Chambers, Hospital Chaplain: 2 Chaplain’s House, Knocknamona, Letterkenny, Co DonegalAtlantic Technological University (ATU)
Tel: 074 912 4888
Rev Liam Boyle: (ATU Chaplain), Parochial House, Glenswilly, Co Donegal. Tel: 074 9137456St. Eunan’s CollegeRev Damien Nejad & Rev Brendan Ward, Chaplaincy Services
St Eunan’s College, Letterkenny, Co Donegal. 074 912 1143
Rev Anthony Hartnett
Tel: 074 9121021Parochial House, Letterkenny, Co Donegal, F92CF88
Ordained 2024
Mgr Kevin Gillespie, Adm., VF
Tel: 074 912 1021Ard Choluim, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal F92 CF88.
Parish Priest. Ordained in 1999
Rev Damien Nejad
Tel: 074 912 1021Ard Choluim, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal F92 CF88.
Ordained in 2016.
Special SchoolsPrincipal: Mr John Haran
College Farm Road,Letterkenny,
Co Donegal
Primary schoolPrincipal: Mr Colm Breathnach
Gleannchearra, Leitir CeanainnDetails
Primary schoolPrincipal: Mr. Luke Kilcoyne
Illistrin, LetterkennyDetails
Primary schoolPrincipal: Mr. Pauric Cannon
Primary schoolPrincipal: Alma Curran